Lending a helping hand in the surrounding communities
Everything started during Christmas season in 2015, when Claudia's attention was brought to an orphanage in the great Kruger area. She organised and helped with the packing of "Christmas-Shoeboxes" and handed them out with friends.
She saw the excitment in the orphaned childrens' eyes and this kept her going. In 2016 she started supporting a daycare center for disabled children. Together with a friend, the two women raised money for cp-workshops (cerebral palsy), where parents learned how to handle this incredibly challenging disease and how to best help their children.
Since then lots happened and in the meanwhile Aka'Ani NPC was founded to provide more support in the area around Hoedspuit and in different communities. The projects listed below show a cross-section of our work with the individual communities and programs.
During Covid 19 lockdown the women from the village created a community garden to grow food that was in short supply. As the eco village expanded so did our garden and created a long term sustainable village project.
As sports training was not allowed during the Covid 19 lockdown, the Mabushi Football Club got together to spend their time cleaning up their village.
Aka'Ani supports the Mabushi Football Academy as an outlet for young boys to learn about team work, leadership and to keep them out of harms way.
With the help of our donors Aka'Ani was able to pack food parcels for the community during Covid19. We handed out parcels as long as the support for vulnerable families was urgently needed.
The Rethabile Disabled Centre is a school and care facility for young people suffering from CP and other disabilities. Aka'Ani supports the project through food donations and other neccesities.
Horisani is a school for children with disabilities. The lost its borehole and could not receive government support. Aka'Ani stepped in and raised the funds needed to dig a new borehole to reconnect the school to water access.
Here the circle comes back together: If we support our communities and help with education, wildlife in the area will have a chance and people will protect nature - for their own future ...and the animals!